
Articles Posted in DUI / BUI – Drunk Driving


Analysis Indicates Dramatic Drop in Florida Crime Rate

Florida State University criminologist Bill Bales knew Florida’s crime rate, like that of the nation, had been dropping for years but he had no idea just how much. Once he sat down to crunch the numbers he was shocked to discover how safe the state has become. Bales said, “I…


AAA has Geared up again to Offer FREE Rides home from July 4-7th

AAA and sponsor Budweiser has offered “Tow To Go” in the past for most holiday events. Well, let’s not let that trend die! So from the 4th of July to the 7th, AAA will be offering FREE rides for both you and your vehicle. The Number to call is 1-800-AAA-HELP…


Memorial Day Celebrations could lead to a Jacksonville DUI

This weekend marks the beginning of Summer for most Jacksonville residents. This three-day weekend will allow families and friends to leave home and head to that desired destination. However, with fun and the sun, some might decide to over indulge in alcoholic beverages. Some even decide Driving under the influence…


I was arrested, What is going to happen?

As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer most of my clients call me after they have been arrested in Jacksonville, Clay County, Nassau County, or the surrounding area. An arrest in Jacksonville, Clay, St. Augustine, or Nassau County can happen in one of two ways. The first way is the traditional…

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