
Cruise Line Passengers Robbed During Excursion in Mexico

Armed-Robbery1As Jacksonville residents and Floridians elsewhere attempt to put our mild winter behind us and look forward to spring; many take to the seas for a quick and easy means of travel away from home. When we choose a cruise, its not just for the ports of call or the onboard activities it is for the excursions that are available once passengers arrive at their destinations. These excursions chosen for their cultural insight, adventure, and a taste of the local lifestyle, not being robbed at gunpoint during a planned excursion with a cruise line.

Unfortunately, that event recently occurred for passengers of Carnival Splendor heading to Mexico. The Cruise ship left Long Beach, California on February 19th headed to Mexico and returned on February 26th. Upon arrival in Mexico, some passengers, 22 to be exact, chose to take an excursion that would take them on a nature hike in the Mexican countryside. However, while returning to the cruise ship, armed bandits boarded their bus and they took all their belongings including, money, jewelry, and cameras. Luckily, no one was injured during this altercation.

This altercation with “armed bandits” in Mexico can be looked from two perspectives; one as a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer and another as a Jacksonville Personal Injury Lawyer. In the criminal perspective, assuming the US could get jurisdiction these bandits would be facing multiple Jacksonville Armed Robbery charges. Each count of Armed Robbery would constitute a first-degree felony and could potentially sentence the person to life imprisonment. In a Jacksonville Personal Injury perspective, the victims could potentially hold the cruise line liable for their losses. However, the cruise line’s liability is dependent upon all contracts and liability waivers the passengers signed before embarking on their journey.

This was a tragic expedition that the passengers onboard Carnival Splendor will not likely forget. Injuries and altercations can happen anywhere and at anytime, even when you are on vacation expecting the time of your life. That is why as a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer and a Jacksonville Personal Injury Lawyer I am available to meet with you so as to make sure your rights are being protected and you are compensated for your losses.

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