
Florida Criminal Defense Attorneys Push Law that Gives New Legal Defense to Jacksonville Crime of Serving or Selling Alcohol to Minors

Florida Statute Section 562.11(c) makes it a second degree misdemeanor “for any person to sell, give, serve, or permit to be served alcoholic beverages to a person under 21 years of age or to permit a person under 21 years of age to consume such beverages on the licensed premises.” Due to the hard work of many Florida Criminal Defense Attorneys and the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Florida Legislature passed an amendment to this Florida Law, regarding service of alcohol to minors.

The Amendment is listed in Florida Statute Section 562.11(c) which states that “a licensee who violates paragraph (a) shall have a complete defense to any civil action…if, at the time the alcoholic beverage was sold, given, served, or permitted to be served, the person falsely evidenced that he or she was of legal age to purchase or consume the alcoholic beverage and the appearance of the person was such that an ordinarily prudent person would believe him or her to be of legal age to purchase or consume the alcoholic beverage and if the licensee carefully checked” a listed form of identification and acted in good faith.

The new Amendment to this Florida Law regarding selling and serving alcohol to minors will be beneficial to Jacksonville vendors and sellers of alcohol. It makes sense to have a law that protects minors, but not at the expense of Jacksonville business owners and there employees that act in a prudent manner.

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