
How to Stop Your License From Being Suspended as a Habitual Traffic Offender

In order to be a Jacksonville habitual traffic offender, the driver must have a certain number of traffic offenses as listed in Florida Statute Section 322.264.  Quite often, a driver does not even know that he or she is eligible to be a Jacksonville habitual traffic offender, until the driver receive notice in the mail that his driver’s license is going to be suspended.  Once this occurs, it seems as if there is nothing left for the driver to do except become a Jacksonville habitual traffic offender and lose his license for five years.  

There is a way to remedy this problem.  The driver can petition the court to reopen his case and allow him to withdraw his guilty plea or modify the sentence.  For example, if the driver has three convictions for driving with a license suspended or revoked, his Jacksonville driver’s license will be suspended as an habitual traffic offender.  However, the driver can request that one of convictions be withheld or ask the court to amend the charge to driving without a valid license under Florida Statute Section 322.03.  If the court grants the petition, the driver will only have two convictions for driving with a license suspended or revoked, and his Jacksonville driver’s license will not be suspended.  
To learn more about how to prevent your Jacksonville driver’s license from being suspended, you can contact a Jacksonville Driver’s License Lawyer.  
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