
Jacksonville Florida Driver’s License Suspended for Five Years as a Habitual Traffic Offender

In Jacksonville, Florida, a habitual traffic offender (HTO) is a driver whose Florida driver’s license has been suspended for 5 years. The Florida driver’s license five (5) year suspension occurred, because of violations listed in Florida Statute Section 322.264. Many people receive notice of the Jacksonville Florida Driver’s License Suspension and have a feeling of despair believing that there is nothing they can do to remedy the situation. However, this is not true. There are ways to obtain a valid Florida Driver’s License.

As a Jacksonville Habitual Traffic Offender Attorney, I have learned that timing is very important when trying to undo a 5 year Florida Driver’s license suspension. The longer a habitual traffic offender waits to correct his or her license, the less likely he or she will be able to obtain a valid license. This is because even with a suspended driver’s license, drivers will continue to drive when necessary. For instance, if a father has to drive to work in order to feed his family, he will likely do it even if his license is suspended. However, if he gets caught, he is looking at a Jacksonville Habitual Offender Felony Charge and a possible prison sentence. The more Jacksonville Driving on a Suspended License (DWLSR) charges and citations drivers accumulate, the less likely it is that they will be able to ever obtain a valid license. Therefore, it is important to act fast.

If you need help with your Jacksonville Driver’s License or have been charged with Driving with a License Suspended or Revoked (DWLSR) contact aJacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer to discuss your case and determine what steps can be taken in order to try and reinstate your license.

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