As a Jacksonville Traffic Ticket Lawyer, I have seen many cases regarding Habitual Traffic Offenders (HTO). Although every case has its specific characteristics and details, the end result is always the same; the individual is facing a 5-year suspension of their Florida license. This will not only have a negative…
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Trayvon Martin’s Murder Trial Evidence Released
The nationally recognized George Zimmerman Murder Trial Evidence has been released on Thursday. Evidence released by the Special Prosecutor included a multitude of photos, documents, and audio recordings. This case became national news once the Martin family and others placed a “Race” based motive upon the fatal shooting that took…
Who can see my Florida Criminal History after it has been Sealed or Expunged?
As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer I have been approached on numerous occasions by clients with not so perfect Florida Criminal Histories. However, these blemishes on their records does not necessarily make them bad people, we all make mistakes and some mistake deserve to be erased. That is why I…
Can I fight my Florida Traffic Ticket?
In Jacksonville and across Florida life comes at you fast and sometimes you follow. However, this could lead to a Jacksonville Speeding Ticket. Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) is cracking down on aggressive and speeding drivers this month. Therefore, with the increase in Police presence on our motorways, more Traffic Tickets…
I was Charged with BUI, do I need an Attorney?
As the warm weather comes upon Jacksonville and the surrounding areas, so does the amount of boat traffic in our local waterways. In Jacksonville we have a multitude of boaters transverse our rivers and oceans. With Jacksonville’s boaters easy access to the St. Johns River, the Intercoastal Waterway and are…
Arlington Home Destroyed by Fire, Possible Arson?
A recent report of a home in Arlington being completely destroyed by fire leaves me with the question on my mind of Arson. The report states that Fire and Rescue were dispatched to a Florida home after smoke and flames coming from the garage. Although the fire was extinguished rather…
10-20-Life, Florida Criminal Law, Is It Fair and Just?
Recently, Marissa Alexander was sentenced for 20 years for firing what she stated as a “warning shot” during an argument with her husband. Many have come to question Florida’s 10-20-Life law in mist of this recent conviction. As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer this law hinders my representation of my…
Can I have my Florida Record Sealed or Expunged?
As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer I receive numerous calls regarding a person’s past Florida Criminal History and their desire to have it sealed or expunged. However, I am not always able to assist due to the statutory confines of the Florida Statutes. Therefore, in order to clarify some immediate…
I want my Criminal Record Sealed/Expunged. What can I do?
Are you a Florida Resident located in St. Augustine, Duval, Orange Park, St. Johns county, Clay county, or the surrounding area? Have you applied for jobs or specialized licenses? Has your application been rejected because of a questionable criminal history? If so, a Jacksonville Beach Record Seal/Expunge Attorney may be…
The Players comes to Jacksonville, But I got a DUI. Now What?
As The Players comes to a pinnacle this weekend, some Jacksonville residents and tourists alike may be in a position that was not anticipated as they went out for a day of golf and celebration. I mean, some Jacksonville residents indulged in the festivities a little too much and are…