As a Neptune Beach Habitual Traffic Offender Defense Attorney, I am faced with Clients that have lost their Florida driver’s license and have nowhere to turn. Many do not understand why they have been labeled a Neptune Beach Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) or the consequences of such a label. Not…
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
What Florida Crimes may Not be Sealed?
As an Atlantic Beach Record Seal Attorney, I am confronted on a daily basis regarding potential clients wanting to have their record sealed. Unfortunately, I am not always able to assist them in ascertaining their objective. Therefore, in order to give my Clients more information up front regarding an Atlantic…
Craigslist Killer Sentenced Today
Friday Morning marks the end to a long and highly publicized trial of David Kelsey Sparre. Jacksonville’s Circuit Judge Elizabeth Senterfitt sentenced Sparre, known as the “Craigslist Killer”, to Death. This sentence follows a guilty conviction by a Jacksonville Jury, which later unanimously voted in favor of capital punishment. This…
FAMU Hazing Continues to Plague the University
Florida A&M University has made national news headlines once again with more Hazing incidents within the “Marching 100.” Currently, two professors have been placed on paid administrative following allegations of their presence during Hazing incidents in 2010. The allegations further detail that some of the incidents occurred at the professor’s…
Florida Teen Sentence in British Tourist Slaying
Wednesday a Florida Jury convicted 17-year old Shawn Tyson of two counts of first-degree murder. Now since the innocent/guilt phase of the bifurcated Florida Criminal Trial has concluded with a guilty conviction, the sentencing phase is to follow. During this phase of the Criminal proceeding the judge and jury will…
Jacksonville Corrections Officer Arrest on Drug Charges
Late on Wednesday Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) arrested one of their own during an undercover drug sting. The suspect is James Mock III of Jacksonville Corrections. He was arrested following a drug deal to an undercover officer at the corner of Market and State Street in Jacksonville. As a Jacksonville…
How Social Media could Negatively Impact your Criminal Case
As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer I work zealously to represent my clients and provide the best defense possible, given their current situation. However, my job is complicated when Social Media Sites are utilized by the State Attorney’s Office to prove their case. A recent example of Social Media negatively…
Christian Fernandez’s Mother Pleas Guilty In Duval County Courthouse
As the trial for first-degree Murder of 13 year old Christian Fernandez continues, his Mother’s case has come to an end. His mother, Biannela Susana, charged with Aggravated Manslaughter has pleaded Guilty in Duval County’s Courthouse Wednesday. According to the plea bargain entered into she is facing a prison term…
What could Happen if I file a False Jacksonville Police Report?
As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer I hear about a multitude of Criminal issues and I am not surprised all that often. However, I have recently been overwhelmed with the amount of inquiries concerning the filing of False Jacksonville Police Reports. This action, when taken, can lead to serious penalties…
My Florida Driver’s License was Suspended, What can I do?
Do you have a Florida Driving Record that reads like a novel? Is your Florida Driving History far from perfect? Has your Florida Driver’s License been revoked or suspended for too many Traffic Violations? If so, you may have options to get your license back or to prevent it from…