The alleged Arson incident occurred on Sunday morning in the Pleasant Grove area. Fire departments from the surrounding area responded to calls about a “woman appear[ing] to be trying to set the house on fire.” By the time the fire crews arrived the house was already full of smoke and…
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
What Occurs at a First Appearance?
Jacksonville Arrests occur all the time and when you caught of guard and arrested by the Jacksonville Police, you may not know what to do or say. That is why the advice and counsel of a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer could prove to be invaluable. In Jacksonville, first appearance court…
I was arrested, What is going to happen?
As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer most of my clients call me after they have been arrested in Jacksonville, Clay County, Nassau County, or the surrounding area. An arrest in Jacksonville, Clay, St. Augustine, or Nassau County can happen in one of two ways. The first way is the traditional…
I Lost my Florida Driver’s License, How can I get it Back?
I often hear the question: “How do I get my driver’s license back in Florida?” Many Florida drivers have had their Florida driver’s licenses suspended due to excessive points. If you receive a Florida traffic ticket that is a moving violation, points will be assessed to your license pursuant to…
Cristian Fernandez Trial Date Set
13-year-old Cristian Fernandez’s Sexual Battery case has been set for trial on June 25, 2012. This sexual battery case has overtaken Fernandez’s murder trial of his younger half brother. Circuit Court Judge Mallory Cooper set the trial date after the defense team refused to waive speedy trial. Therefore, the State…
How Many Points will I get on My License for My Traffic Citation?
As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer I am faced on a daily basis with clients calling regarding a recent Jacksonville Traffic Citation and the points that could be received on their license. The amount of points that are placed on a Florida Driver’s License for speeding tickets and other traffic…
I Want my Record Sealed or Expunged, What Crimes would make me Ineligible?
As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer I get numerous calls about Jacksonville, Florida Record Seal/Expunge. In most cases I can assist an individual in achieving this goal. However, Florida Statutes do define some offenses, regardless of adjudication that could potentially make a person ineligible for a Jacksonville Record Seal/Expunge. Florida…
Woman Arrested for DUI Following Bike Week
Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) arrested 77 year old Barbara Dunn for DUI after crashing into a group of Bikers. According to the report, Dunn was driving North on Oceanshore Blvd. when she swerved into the Southbound lanes. Once heading in the wrong direction, she struck a group of bikers heading…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day Jacksonville!! Remember DUI is a Criminal Offense
Jacksonville, its St. Patrick’s Day, a time of celebration and all things green! But remember that driving under the influence can lead to both civil and criminal liability. So, lets make this St. Patrick’s Day safe and enjoyable for everyone. Don’t Drink and Drive!! As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer,…
Mobile Home Destroyed by Arson
Jacksonville has the appeal of a big city while still being able to hold on to that small town feel. Most residents enjoy the shops of downtown, the beaches, and the multitude of options for food and drink. However, like any city, Jacksonville is subject to crime from time to…