
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Florida’s “Move Over” law and Increased Enforcement

Jacksonville is known for its large population and spread out city. The city of Jacksonville covers an area stemming from the downtown, over the intercoastal, and ends at the beaches. That is a lot of surface area and even more roads and motorways. Also, Jacksonville has a desire to always…


New Orleans Judge Seeks Private Attorneys to take Pro Bono Cases

The ABA Journal reported today that a Louisiana criminal judge asked several high-profile attorneys for pro bono service, because 21 public defenders were laid off. The Journal reported: “A New Orleans judge has sent letters to 33 high-profile lawyers asking them to handle criminal cases for free after the public…


I have been classified as a Jacksonville HTO, now what?

As a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Attorney, I have seen many cases regarding Habitual Traffic Offenders (HTO). Although every case has its individual characteristics, the end result is always the same; the individual is facing a 5-year suspension of their license. This will not only have a negative impact on an…


In Jacksonville Do I have a Duty to Retreat, before Defensive Force may be used?

The city of Jacksonville and all of Duval, for that matter, have a large population contained within a relatively small area. This population density, amongst other factors, plays into the amount of crime that occurs across Jacksonville and Duval together. Through my previous posts on Defendant rights and defenses, I…


Jacksonville Criminal Defendants and Miranda Warnings

Crime can happen anywhere in Jacksonville and can happen to anyone, but just because you have been arrested for an alleged Jacksonville Criminal Offense does not mean you don’t have rights. The right I want to bring to the attention of Jacksonville Residents today is one’s rights under Miranda v.…


5 Suspects Sought after Orlando Night Club Murder

Florida Police are investigating the death of Chico Randolph at a local nightclub after a fight broke out following the Super Bowl. The incident occurred at Legacy Ultra Lounge in Orlando around 2 AM Monday morning. Florida Police are still investigating the incident and are actively seeking 4 dark-skinned men…

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