
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Florida Stand Your Ground Law: Can You Use Deadly Force to Protect Yourself in Jacksonville, Florida?

Florida Statute Section 776.013 is also know as the Florida Stand Your Ground Law or the Florida Castle Doctrine. According to this Florida self-defense law: “A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another…


St. Augustine Florida DUI Lawyer Shares What Police Look for in Driving Under the Influence Cases

In St. Augustine Florida DUI Cases, police officers look for indicators of impairment. They are looking for certain phyical symptoms that they believe show that a driver is impaired by drugs or alcoholic beverages. The most commom symptoms that they look for are: blood-shot, watery eyes; a flushed faced; an…


Search for a Missing Woman Leads to St. Augustine Florida DUI Charge

Police Officers in St. Augustine, Florida received calls from concerned persons regarding a woman named Renee Birchall. As the St. Augustine Beach Police Department was in the process of searching for Ms. Birchall, one of the police officer’s vehicles was rear-ended. Police were suprised to discover that Ms. Birchall was…


Defendant Pleads Not Guilty in Jacksonville Stabbing Case

Today, a 17-year-old boy, Eric Francis Sandefur, was charged with the stabbing death of a homeless man, Jason Jerome, in Jacksonville, Florida. His Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer and Public Defender entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf. His Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer may have pled not guilty for…


Jacksonville Criminal Lawyer’s Information About Pleading Guilty, No Contest, or Guilty

Once a Jacksonville Criminal Defendant is arrested and goes through his first appearance/bond hearing, the State Attorney’s Office will determine whether or not former charges will be filed. In most cases, charges are filed through an information, which is a formal charging document. If charges are filed, the Jacksonville Criminal…


Jacksonville Crime Rates Show that Homicides in Jacksonville, Florida are Decreasing

Yesterday, Jacksonville news reports stated that the Jacksonville homicide rate dropped during the year of 2010. In fact, “the State Attorney’s Office said there were less homicides in the year 2010 than in decades. Investigators there said there were 99 homicides in 2010 in Jacksonville.” However, some organizations, such as…


Florida Attempted Murder Charge May Have Been the Result of a Mental Illness

A Florida man was arrested for attempted murder after stabbing his 6-year-old son. Jacksonville Florida News reports that Xavier Thomas has been accused of stabbing his on over 20 times on New Year’s Eve. The wounds were not life-threatening. A family member stated that Thomas is being treated for mental…


Jacksonville Criminal Attorney Discusses Pleading Not Guilty

Once a Jacksonville Criminal Attorney enters a plea of not guilty on behalf of a Jacksonville Criminal Defendant, she must diligently move forward with the case. This consist of acquiring discovery (evidence, witnesses, documents, recording, etc.) that the State Attorney has in his or her possession. A criminal defendant will…


Jacksonville Meth Arrests in Jacksonville, Florida and the Surrounding Areas

As a Jacksonville Criminal Lawyer, I have seen hundreds of Jacksonville criminal cases involving illegal drugs and controlled substances. Jacksonville Florida is no stranger to drug crimes, such as arrests related to methamphetamine (Jacksonville Meth Lab Article). Florida Statute Section 893.13 makes it illegal to manufacture, possess, deliver, or sell…


Marijuana is More Popular that Cigarettes with Teenagers

According to a recent study, “More high school seniors this year used marijuana than smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days,” USA Today reports. Teenagers need to understand the ramifications involved with marijuana use. In Jacksonville, Florida, possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana is a misdemeanor. While possession…

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