
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Jacksonville Driving Under the Influence (Jacksonville DUI): What Police Look for to Check Impairment

In a Jacksonville Driving Under the Influence (Jacksonville DUI Case), police officers are looking for “indicators of impairment.” According to the Standard Florida Criminal Jury instruction for Driving Under the Influence: Normal faculties include but are not limited to the ability to see, hear, walk, talk, judge distances, drive an…


Jacksonville Driving Under the Influence Lawyer Shows Lack of Evidence; Charges Dropped

I recently came across a 2001 Hillsborough County, Florida DUI case (State v. Annis) that reminded me a Jacksonville DUI (driving under the influence) case that Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC had in 2006. We represented a young lady that was charged with DUI in Jacksonville, Florida. She…


Jacksonville DUI Attorney: Lack of Evidence in Florida DUI Case Results in Judgment of Acquittal

As a Jacksonville DUI Attorney, I have represented many Jacksonville DUI (Driving Under the Influence) Defendants. The State can charge a driver with DUI based on impairment by alcohol or controlled substances. In order to obtain a conviction, the State must have evidence to prove the DUI. If the State…


Jacksonville Child Abuse Results in Murder Conviction

Jacksonville Child Abuse Attorneys for the Defense and State were set to try a Jacksonville Aggravated Child Abuse and Second-Degree Murder case on November 29, 2010 before Judge Soud. However, that trial did not take place. Instead, Jacksonville Criminal Defendant, Chaddrick Banks, plead guilty to the murder charge on November…


Jacksonville Burglary Lawyer: Burglary to a Dwelling on Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving morning, Jacksonville resident, Kyle Davis, witnessed a burglary occurring at his next door neighbor’s house. He confronted the burglar and discovered that the burglar was armed with a gun. Burglary to a Dwelling that is in unoccupied is a second degree felony in Jacksonville, Florida. Under the Florida…


Jacksonville Criminal Attorney: Crime escalates from Minor to Major

As a Jacksonville Criminal Attorney, I have seen minor offenses become major crimes due to a change in circumstances. A prime example of this occurred this weekend in August, Georgia (story: News4Jax). The United States Marines were collecting toys for underprivileged children at a local Best Buy store. A man…


Jacksonville Criminal Sentencing: Florida Prison Term May be Concurrent or Consecutive

A Jacksonville criminal sentence can be concurrent or consecutive. A concurrent sentence it one that runs at the same time as another. Consecutive sentences run one after another. For example, imagine a Jacksonville criminal defendant is convicted of aggravated battery and possession of marijuana. She is sentenced to one year…


Actual vs. Constructive Possession in Jacksonville Criminal Cases

In many Jacksonville Florida criminal cases, the State Attorney must prove possession. Examples of “possession” crimes are possession of marijuana, cocaine, or other controlled substances. There is also possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Possession can be actual or constructive. Actual Possession occurs when the Defendant has the…


Jacksonville Florida Gun Crime Sentences

In Jacksonville, Florida, a defendant that commits certain crimes while using a firearm. In 1999, Florida enacted the 10-20-Life Law. The 10-20-Life statute mandates the following minimum mandatory sentences: 1. 10 years in prison for certain felonies, or attempted felonies, in which the offender possesses a firearm or destructive device;…

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