
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Jacksonville Criminal Lawyers Seek Evidence from State Attorneys

Jacksonville criminal lawyers know how important the criminal discovery process is.  The evidence that a Jacksonville criminal lawyer obtains from this process determines what route to take in a case.  More importantly, Jacksonville criminal lawyers advise their clients based on the evidence discovered.  Therefore, discovery is the most important part…


Defenses to Jacksonville DUI HGN Test

Jacksonville DUI officers administer the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test is as a standard field sobriety test.  A Jacksonville DUI defendant can defend against the HGN test in many ways. There are medical reasons that Jacksonville DUI suspect may exhibit nystagmus (jerking of the eye), other than due to alcohol impairment.…


Jacksonville DUI Attorney: Walk and Turn Test Information

Jacksonville Florida DUI Officers use a field sobriety test called the walk and turn test in order to determine if a Jacksonville DUI suspect is impaired by alcohol.  The Jacksonville DUI officer gives the driver instructions about the test.  While he is giving instructions, the Jacksonville Florida DUI suspect must…


Jacksonville DUI Lawyer: One-Leg Stand Test Information

Jacksonville DUI Field Sobriety Tests include the One-Leg Stand test.  Florida DUI officers use this test to determine if a Jacksonville DUI suspect is impaired.  This test is a DUI test that divides the Jacksonville DUI suspect’s attentions and judges his ability to follow instructions, balance, and count aloud.  The…


Jacksonville DUI Lawyer: Standard Field Sobriety Tests

In Jacksonville Driving Under the Influence cases, the Jacksonville DUI suspect is asked to take field sobriety tests.  Jacksonville field sobriety tests are used by the DUI officer to determine if there is probable cause to arrest the driver for Driving Under the Influence.  The Jacksonville DUI officer looks for…


Police Officer’s Opinion Testimony in Jacksonville DUI Trials

In every Jacksonville DUI case that I have tried, I filed a motion in limine to exclude the police officer’s testimony that he believed that the Jacksonville DUI defendant was impaired.  In a Jacksonville DUI case, impairment is an element that the prosecutor must prove.  When a police officer testifies…

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