As a Neptune Beach Habitual Traffic Offender Defense Attorney, I am faced with Clients that have lost their Florida driver’s license and have nowhere to turn. Many do not understand why they have been labeled a Neptune Beach Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) or the consequences of such a label. Not having a valid Florida driver’s license is a huge burden to bear. It will have a negative impact on an individual’s career, life style, travel plans, social life, and the ability to gain access to basic living necessities.
However a Neptune Beach HTO is not without options. I can review your driving history and determine what offenses have placed you on HTO status. Then based upon that information I can go before the Court and represent your best interests. Finally, if granted, I can get the HTO status reversed and therefore allow you to regain your license.
First, let me explain how your Neptune Beach HTO status was determined. HTO is defined under Florida Statute § 322.264. According to the statute, a Habitual Traffic Offender is any person whose record, as maintained by the DMV, shows that such person has accumulated the specific number of convictions for offenses described in (1) or (2) within a 5-year period: