The Jacksonville Leaving the Scene of an Accident Involving Injuries to Persons can be found in Florida Statute Section 316.027. Jacksonville Leaving the Scene of an Accident resulting in a crash that causes death or injury is a felony. However, the degree, or seriousness, of the felony will depend on the injuries that occurred. If a driver is involved in a crash resulting in bodily injury and leaves the scene, this is a third degree felony, which is the lowest degree of felonies. If the crash resulted in death, the charge is much more serious.
Florida Statute Section 316.027(1)(b) states:
“the driver of any vehicle involved in a crash occurring on public or private property that results in the death of any person must immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the crash, or as close thereto as possible, and must remain at the scene of the crash until he or she has fulfilled the requirements of s. 316.062. Any person who willfully violates this paragraph commits a felony of the first degree”