A Florida Habitual Traffic Offender is defined in the Florida Statutes. Florida Statute Section 322.264 lists the criteria for a driver to qualify as a habitual traffic offender (HTO). The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles will evaluate a person’s driving record for the past five years to make this determination. If a Jacksonville driver has a certain amount of the traffic convictions, his or her license will be suspended for five years as a Jacksonville Habitual Traffic Offender.
- involuntary or voluntary manslaughter due to the operation of a motor vehicle;
- driving under the influence (DUI);
- a felony in which a motor vehicle was used to commit the crime;
- driving with a license suspended or revoked (knowingly or unknowingly);
- driving a commercial vehicle when such privilege has been suspended or revoked; or
- failing to render aid in a crash that results in death or bodily injury.