Jacksonville teen, Daniel Sanchez, was not the only person arrested in connection with the attempted armed robbery of Jacksonville Assistant Police Chief, Carson Tranquille. Two other Jacksonville teens, Ishmael Mercer and Michael Media were also arrested. According to detectives investigating the Jacksonville attempted armed robbery, Sanchez confessed that he and the two other boys committed the crime. He stated that he and one of his co-defendants were armed with guns.
Jacksonville Police Officer Shoots a Home Invader
In Jacksonville, Florida, 16-year-old, Daniel Sanchez, and one or two other intruders confronted Jacksonville Assistant Police Chief, Carson Tranquille, and his wife in the couple’s garage late Saturday night. The Jacksonville police officer shot the teenager in the leg, but the other culprit(s) ran away.
OJ Simpson Sentenced in Armed Robbery Case
OJ Simpson was sentenced today on several counts of armed robbery, among other charges. Due to a combination of consecutive and concurrent sentences, he may serve as much as 33 years in prison. However, after nine years, he may be released on parole.
Jacksonville Reckless Driving: Statutory Requirements
According to Florida Statute Section 901.15, a Jacksonville police officer can arrest a person without a warrant for a violation of the Florida Traffic Code if he:
(a) witnesses the Florida traffic violation himself or
(b) another law enforcement officer witnesses the Florida traffic violation and relays the proper identification information.
NFL Player Charged with Carrying a Firearm Illegally
Plaxico Burress, New York Giants’ receiver, accidently shot himself in the leg last Friday night while at a nightclub. The NFL player has been charged in New York with criminal possession of a weapon. New York has strict gun laws that require a minimum mandatory prison sentence.
Misdemeanor Verdict in Myspace Suicide Case
Last Wednesday, a federal jury convicted Lori Drew on misdemeanor charges of accessing computers without authorization on three different occasions. Drew is a 49-year-old woman that courted a 13-year-old girl by pretending to be a teenage boy on myspace.com. The 13-year-old girl committed suicide after receiving a hurtful message from Drew. Drew may face up to 3 years in federal prison if her sentences are to run consecutively.
Expunging a Criminal Record: South Carolina Versus Florida Law
In Jacksonville Florida, a person convicted crime cannot seal or expunge his criminal record. However, if a Florida criminal defendant is given a withhold of adjudication on the crime, he may be able to seal his Florida record. According to Florida’s expungement law, that criminal defendant must have his Florida criminal record sealed for 10 years in order to expunge his Florida criminal record.
- Fraudulent Checks (unless the crime is a felony).
Driver’s Licenses Available to Florida Habitual Traffic Offenders
Jacksonville Firm Burglarized: Children’s Computers Stolen
A Jacksonville Florida consulting firm, CH 2 M Hill Firm was burglarized and many brand-new computers were stolen. CH 2 M Hill Firm purchased these computers to give to children in need. Although no one has been charged with this Jacksonville Florida burglary, this is a burglary to structure or conveyance under Florida Law. In Jacksonville, Florida, Burglary to a Structure or Conveyance is a third degree felony. As a Burglary in the third degree, it is punishable by up to five years in the Florida State Prison.
How to Seal a Criminal Record in Jacksonville, Florida
Bad things happen to good people. Not everyone that has been arrested deserves to have a criminal record. A criminal record will follow a person forever, but there is a way to fix this. In Jacksonville, Florida, you may be able to get your record sealed. To seal a record in Jacksonville, Florida, there are certain requirements that must be met:
- The case did not result in a criminal conviction. Either the conviction was withheld (withhold adjudication) or the criminal defendant was acquitted after a trial (found not guilty).
- You must have no prior criminal record, and you can only seal one arrest. In order to seal a record in Jacksonville, Florida, you cannot have an arrest in Jacksonville, Florida or in any other city or state.
- There are certain charges that may not be sealed. For a list, see Florida Statute Section 943.059.
- The proper paperwork and background check must be completed.